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          Silicone tact switch causes the total loss of switching power supply

          Silicone tact switch causes the total loss of switching power supply
            The lower the output voltage of the silicone tact switch, the greater the influence of the rectifier pressure drop. The output voltage is below 5V, and to achieve efficiency above 80% efficiency, synchronous rectification must be used. However, synchronous rectification makes the circuit complicated, and at high frequencies, the drive loss will increase significantly, which limits the efficiency. When the output voltage rises, the diode reverse recovery loss and snubber circuit losses will increase significantly. The low output voltage power rectifier rectifier voltage drop is the main factor affecting the efficiency of the whole machine. The conduction loss can be estimated by multiplying the forward voltage drop of the diode by the output current.
            Silicone Tact Switch Switching Loss Pf includes filter inductance loss and capacitance loss. If it is a continuous mode inductor, the main loss is the coil loss and the core loss is negligible. The capacitor has a loss on the series equivalent resistance Resr. In the continuous mode of the inductor, the capacitor ripple current is small and the capacitance loss is small. The overall filter loss is less than 1% of the output power. If it is a flyback transformer, the Resr loss of the capacitor is greatly increased, and the filter loss is the capacitance loss. The rectifier circuit loss Pr includes the conduction loss caused by the forward voltage drop of the rectifier, the reverse recovery causes the turn-off loss, and the snubber circuit loss to avoid the oscillating diode. Silicone tact switch
            Due to its small size, long life, and light touch, it is widely used in many fields such as household appliances. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the upgrading of these household appliances is getting faster and faster, and the number of them needs to be larger and larger. This is also the biggest potential direction for us to be optimistic about its development prospects.
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